One of the questions we get asked a lot is:
Is my child too young for music lessons?
Whether it’s piano, guitar, drums, or ukulele it’s always good to do your research and make sure you’re not starting your child off too early.
So… is your child too young to learn an instrument?
Short answer: Probably not. The youngest age we teach is 3 years old. Any younger than that and you’re better off starting with a general music class. As your child gets older, you can get specific and choose and instrument.
Long answer: It depends….
1) It Depends on the Instrument….
Guitar is probably the hardest instrument for younger kids to handle. For very young (or just tiny kids) we usually suggest starting on ukulele. It’s just easier to manage. For a detailed write-up on guitar, check out this guitar lesson article.
Other instruments are a little easier to tackle.
Piano is a nice place to start for younger kids. Melodies and songs are easy to pick out and learn (which is really what makes it fun). You’re gonna wanna stay away from heavy music theory (obviously) and even go a little relaxed on proper form and technique. Again – the goal should be to cultivate an interest in music so you little one plays for years to come.
Drums are another great place to start. Drums can enforce an AMAZING sense of rhythm and timing which is so important (not only as dummer/percussionist… but really as any kind of musician).
For kids who may want to learn the guitar… but are a bit on the small side… ukulele is an awesome option. Why? Because it’s tiny size works really well with tiny fingers.
Of course – it’s best to temper your expectations. The younger the child the slower/long the progress. Our focus will always be on having fun and developing and cultivating an interest in music (otherwise… what’s the point)!!
2) It Depends on the Attention Span….
When I started teaching guitar I only taught 60 minute lessons. I figured that you couldn’t really cover enough material in a shorter amount of time.
I was super confident.
I thought 60 minutes lessons were perfect.
But then I started teaching little kids.
Man was I wrong.
I switched to 30 minute lessons for some of my younger students and it made all the difference.
They started to learn more.
They started to have more fun.
While I still feel that 60 minute lessons are optimal for must students, when it comes to kids… it all comes down to how long they can sit still.
Most kids can handle a 30 minute lesson.
Now… if they can’t sit still for 30 minutes… they’re probably not ready for lessons.
3) It Depends on their ABC’s….
Learning an instrument doesn’t only require physicality and attention span, it also requires some basic ability to read (or at least identify letters and numbers).
Kids should be able to recognize their numbers as well as letters of the alphabet. Being able to read is helpful too – though not necessary.
There are methods of teaching that focus more on ear training… but I’m not a big fan.
So… What is the BEST age for music lessons?
Honestly: Whatever age your child shows an interest.
If they can handle the three points above – go ahead – get them signed up for some music lessons.
If they can’t? No probably, keep music playing in the house – if you play music, make sure they see and hear you doing it (if you don’t – maybe you could use some music lessons).
As always – if you’re thinking about lessons, let us know below. If you still have questions, that’s ok too – shoot me an email and I’d to help!
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